Friday, October 5, 2018


Hai blog, lama sudah aku ndak menulis di sini kan. To be honest I dont know whether ada orang ka lagi akan baca ni. I started blogging on 2009. Masa tu viral blogger famous macam cikepal06, honeykoyuki, hanis zalikha, peliks (maria elena), nameeroslan and of course, irinenadia. Aku follow semua blog dorang which I can only read pada waktu kami masuk lab komputer once a week.

Mind you in 2009 internet ni macam satu benda yang rare, a luxury not everyone can afford. Tambah lagi dengan line di Sabah yang macam siput babi haha. Regardless, I started blogging and have small circle or blogger friends. I enjoy blogwalking, tinggalkan komen, and even join contest. Haha.

Bestnya dulu. Sekarang semua ni made easier via Instagram. Instagram tu kira macam blog juga la, but a simplified and focus on picture version. And lagi interface friendly, sekarang siap ada IG Story, IGTV, advanced sudah kan.

I feel so old yet still young right now. I love my past so much that I felt like the present is not so...not so happy like before? Apakah aku punya ayat. I miss zaman 2009-2013.

Aku buat blog untuk suka suka, n maybe I have a slight hope to become famous dulu, dulu la. Haha. Then, as I go through my blog, I treat it like my digital diary, only, I choose what moment I want to remember. Many of my content is childish, but that is who I am, until now.

Sekarang tiba-tiba teringat ni, aku pun menaip la di sini. Banyak benda jadi. So many things happen and I just kept it safely in my brain. Haha. Ada yang aku pilih untuk melupakan, ada yang aku tak nak lupa tapi faktor usia, the memory felt hazy, but the feeling remains.

Kau tau blog, Selasa baru baru ni, I catch a glimpse of someone familiar di bus stop. I think I saw my bro. Only, he was in chubby size? So I have a second thought on whether it is him or not. Tapi being detective I am, aku suda catat waktu aku terserempak dia blog. Aku akan tunggu lagi Selasa ni. I need to know the truth. Haha. Okay I'm gonna write this in another post. But for now, I am jsut gonna rant here, while it still private. Aku, suka menulis blog. Aku rasa, apa yang aku rasa lagi sampai melalui penulisan.                                                                 

So here I am, writing my heart out again. Thanks for immortalizing it blog. Love you.

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